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Queen Venerator

Oct 29, 2021

We have finally arrived at the end of our journey through horror films. Thank God. On this episode, Sean and Brad discuss a bunch of zombie movies, a bunch of anthology movies, a few massively controversial picks, cyberpunk nightmares, haunted VHS tapes, religion gone wild, non-Dune sandworms, shunting, rooms filled...

Oct 21, 2021

We're entering the home stretch for this month's scary programming as we cover numbers 50 to 26 on our Top 100 Horror Movies list. In this batch, Sean and Brad discuss functionally useless cookware, watermelon salesmen, alien-derived hallucinogenics, British mods fighting zombies, men in rubber suits, melty Goldblums,...

Oct 13, 2021

We roll along with our October festivities as we discuss part two of our Top 100 Horror Movie lists. This time around, Sean and Brad discuss arthouse aliens, possessed hands, devil goats, sexy saxophonists, anime thrillers, cowboy vampires, scary mannequins, body hammers, horrifying head ripping, big sharks,...

Oct 6, 2021

October is upon us. It is the time for skeletons, goblins, and of course, horror movies. So what better way to celebrate the holiday season than to discuss not one, but TWO lists of 100 horror movies? Join Sean and Brad for Part One of their discussion of their favorite horror films, and everything that entails....